Tarbomb's Grid12 Page

Tarbomb's Grid12 Page

Welcome to Tarbomb's Grid12 page!

Grid12 is a new online multiplayer game by Jetbolt Games. It's currently in closed beta; if you're interested in testing, please post here.

I've put some stuff I've written about the game below. It's my take on an intro to the game, and is not intended as a complete reference; for that, visit the Grid12 Wiki.

If you have any suggestions, send me a private message on the Grid12 forums!

Grid12 for Dummies

Other Tutorials

Miscellaneous stuff


Notice for the litigous types: This is a fanpage and is not affiliated with Jetbolt Games in any way. All original content (i.e. everything but the screenshots) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License - do whatever you want with it, as long as you attribute this page.